Online Privacy Policy


塞勒姆的农民致力于保持所有的个人信息收集,访问我们的网站和使用我们的在线设施和服务的准确性, confidential, secure and private. 我们的隐私政策的设计和创建是为了确保那些与我们的承诺和实现我们的义务相关联的人不仅要满足而且要超过大多数现有的隐私标准.

Therefore, this Privacy Policy Agreement shall apply to Farmers of Salem, and thus it shall govern any and all data collection and usage thereof. Through the use of you are herein consenting to the following data procedures expressed within this agreement.

Collection of Information

This website collects various types of information such as:

  • Voluntarily provided information which may include your name, address, email address, billing, and/or credit card information etc. which may be used when you purchase products and/or services to deliver the services you have requested.
  • Information automatically collected when visiting our website, which may include cookies, third part tracking technologies and server logs.
  • Farmers of Salem uses cookies to customize and enhance your browsing experience. Cookies是Internet网站存储在您的计算机上的简单文本文件,用于帮助识别用户并增强客户服务. 使用塞勒姆农民网站创建的cookie可能包含个人识别信息,例如由姓名组成的用户联系信息, address, phone number or e-mail address. cookie功能仅用于在您的计算机上存储随机生成的识别标签,不会危及您的隐私或安全.

请您放心,本网站只会收集您在知情和自愿的情况下通过调查方式提供的个人信息, completed membership forms, quote request forms, and email signup forms. 本网站的意图是将个人信息仅用于要求的目的和本网站特别提供的任何其他用途.

Farmers of Salem也可能有机会收集匿名的人口统计信息,这些信息可能不是您独有的,甚至可能收集额外的或其他个人和/或非个人信息, such as age, gender, household income, political affiliations, race and religion, at a later time.

It is even possible that we may gather information about your computer hardware and/or software. Such collected information may include, but may not be limited to , your IP address, browser type, domain name, access time, various website addresses. 这些信息的收集和使用可能用于维持我们提供的服务质量, as well as providing overall general statistics related to the use of our website and others.

我们强烈建议和建议您查看您选择使用或经常使用的任何网站的隐私政策和声明,以便更好地了解其他网站收集信息的方式, make use of and share information collected.

Use of Information Collected

塞勒姆农民可能会收集和使用个人信息,以协助我们网站的运营,并确保提供您需要和要求的服务. At times, 我们认为有必要使用个人身份信息来通知您其他可能提供给您的产品和/或服务 塞勒姆的农民也可能会与您联系,填写与您对当前或可能提供的或可能提供的新服务的意见相关的调查和/或研究问卷.

Farmers of Salem does not now, nor will it in the future, sells, rent or lease any of its customer lists and/or names to any third parties. 塞勒姆的农民可能认为有必要跟踪他们的用户可能经常访问的网站和/或页面,以便了解哪些类型的服务和/或产品可能最受客户或公众欢迎.

Farmers of Salem may disclose your personal information, without prior notice to you, 只有在根据适用法律的要求和/或出于善意,认为或需要这样做的情况下:

  • Conform to decrees, laws, 和/或雕像,或努力遵守可能向塞勒姆农民和/或其网站提供的任何程序.
  • Safeguard and/ or preserve all the right and/or property of Farmers of Salem; and
  • Perform under demanding conditions in an effort to safeguard the personal safety of users of and/or general public.

Children Under Age 13

未经父母同意,Farmers of Salem不会故意收集13岁以下儿童的个人身份信息. 如果确定该等信息是在无意中收集的,涉及13岁以下的任何人(13), 我们将立即采取必要措施,确保从我们系统的数据库中删除此类信息. 任何未满十三岁(13)的人必须寻求并获得父母或监护人的许可才能使用本网站.

Unsubscribe or Opt-Out

我们网站的所有用户和/或访问者都可以选择停止接收我们的通信和/或保留停止接收通过电子邮件或通讯方式发送的通信的权利. 要停止或取消订阅我们的网站,请发送您希望取消订阅becret@fosnj的电子邮件.com. If you wish to unsubscribe or opt-out from any third party websites, you must go that specific website to unsubscribe and/or opt-out.

Links to Other Web sites

Our website does contain links to affiliate and other websites. Farmers of Salem does not claim nor accept responsibility for any privacy policies, practices and/or procedures of other such websites. Therefore, 我们鼓励所有用户和访问者在离开我们的网站时保持警惕,并阅读每个收集个人身份信息的网站的隐私声明. 上述隐私政策协议仅适用于本网站收集的信息.


Farmers of Salem shall endeavor and shall take every precaution to maintain adequate physical, 其办公室和资料储存设施的程序和技术安全,以防止任何损失, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure or modification of the user’s personal information under our control.

Changes to Privacy Policy Agreement

Farmers of Salem reserves the right to update and/or change the terms of our privacy policy, 因此,我们将在我们的网站上发布这些更改,以便用户和/或访问者始终了解我们收集的信息类型, how it will be used, and under what circumstances, if any, we may disclose such information. 如果在任何时候,塞勒姆农民决定使用档案中的任何个人身份信息, in a manner vastly different from that which was stated when this information was initially collected, the user or users shall be promptly notified by email. 届时,用户有权选择是否允许以这种单独的方式使用其信息.

Acceptance of Terms

Through the use of this website, 您特此接受上述隐私政策协议中规定的条款和条件. If you are not in agreement with our terms and condtions, then you should refrain from further use of our sites. In addition, 在我们的条款和条件发布任何更新或更改后,您继续使用我们的网站,即表示您同意并接受此类更改.

How to Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns regarding the Privacy Policy Agreement related to our website, please feel free to contact us at the following email, telephone number or mailing address.

  • Email:
  • Telephone: 856.935.5100 ext 136
  • Address:
    125 West Broadway
    PO BOX 24
    Salem NJ 08079